Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August Events

These are pictures of Shane when he came home from Samoa, Jamie's wedding, and some pictures of Brandon's family at a BBQ.

Shane surprised us and came home early so he could be there at Annie's wedding. I couldn't post these pictures because he had a layover in LA and Mamacita wasn't supposed to know he was home for another couple days. I kept it a secret... even though it was painful! :)

Jamie got married August 16th to Doug Goodwin in the Salt Lake Temple. She looked gorgeous! It was a fun day.


Andrews family said...

Sounds like you guys had an exciting month! Two sisters married and a brother comes home! Wowee!

Amy said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! WOOHOO! More blogs to look at. Cute pictures! You guys are so adorable.