Wednesday, March 25, 2009

26 week update

Shane's blog is inspiring me to update my own.... I've decided I don't have to have anything way exciting in order to post. So here's my update.

I've been counting down to yesterday being the end of my 2nd trimester and my little widget thing on the side says i still have some time before my 2nd trimester is over. Oh man! Well, at least it will give me something to countdown for...again.
My tummy is growing and growing. It's sometimes cute to me and sometimes disgusting.

Right now I'm stressing over getting all the legal stuff all filled out so I can have some money for maternity leave. I think I've decided to start my maternity leave on June 12th - Joe's birthday. Might as well take a couple weeks to relax before baby comes! (I have a countdown to that day on my computer at work!)

My biggest problems right now in the pregnancy is sleeping, staying cool at night, and fitting into clothes. I think that's a life long struggle for every woman though, pregnant or not. :)


Megan Bowen said...


Shane said...

Some men also struggle sleeping, staying cool at night and fitting into certain clothes.

I of course don't. I mean staying cool. That's my forte.

Thanks for coming back and getting rid of that you promised. said...

Yeah! We will have to celebrate being on maternity leave together.

heath said...

One more trimester to go! That's exciting.

Shalena said...

Yea for you keep it up the reward is great!!

The Goodwins said...

I think we should start a pool to guess when the baby will pop out. Doug wants it to come on the fourth of July. I'm saying June 25th- 1/2 between the year from Christmas. That would really be the best birthday.

Ady said...

Yay I found your blog (and I've added you to my reader so I can keep up!) 26 weeks, eh? That's pretty exciting...I think you're looking great Jacie :)

April said...

Hi Jacie! I just found your blog. Congratulations on your little boy! Don't worry, you'll soon have lots to post about :)

Crystal and Kyle said...

Hey Jacie! You and Brandon are quite the travelers. Your trips sound like so much fun. If you were still in Utah, you would have no problem staying cool at night. :) Will the snow ever leave?

Benji and Aubrey said...

Jacie! Sounds like pregnancy is movin' right along! You are going to be an amazing mommmy!

Hey, I recently made my blog private, so if you will email me your current email address, I'll get you added.

Kami said...

Hey girlie, how are you feeling these days?

Chelsea said...

Jacie! I am so excited for you! I haven't looked at any blogs for a while and I was so pleased when I checked in on you guys to see you are doing so well! Congratulations on the baby!