Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Baby!

I love this picture! Caden already has a LOT of personality and he likes to tease me and joke with me. I think he'll have a great sense of humor. :)
Caden smiles randomly whenever the camera is not around so I was excited to catch one of his smiles finally with my camera...


Megan Bowen said...

He is so precious!!! How is the new mom doing? When you are getting out of the house we should get together.

Ady said...

Caden is one lucky kid to have you guys for wonder he's smiling all the time! Hope parenthood is treating you well! :)

Maegan said...

What a cutie! I love the smiles when they are sleeping.

Crystal and Kyle said...

Yeah! I'm so happy to get an update and see that Caden is healthy and strong and very very cute! I bet that was so stressful to not have anything ready on top of the news that your going to have Caden 6 weeks early. Yikes! Thank goodness you got the epidural. I had a similar experience with having strong contractions for 3 days and I know what you mean about exhaustion by the time you get it. COngratulations!!

The Merkleys said...

Congratulations! He is precious. Kinda makes me miss a baby in the house. 'Cuz all they do is sleep and eat!

Brandon said...

Wow, I've never seen this picture. How come he never smiles when I'm feeding him?